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Power Generation

EFP has diversified fire protection experience in technical leadership of numerous projects such as Appendix R safe shutdown analyses, fire hazards analyses, Fire Protection program design and implementation, Probabilistic Fire Risk Assessment, Risk-informed/Performance-based Fire Protection Programs (NFPA-805), fire suppression and detection system design and evaluation and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing, emergency response planning, emergency response coordination (Nation Incident Management System), and fire pre-planning services for power plant, transmission and distribution facilities. We have led, managed and performed engineering activities for numerous utility, municipal, industrial, commercial, and regulatory clients.

Services for the Power Industry Include

  • Fire Hazards Analysis

  • 10CFR50 Appendix R

  • Fire Probability Risk Assessment

  • Performance Based Fire Protection 
    (NFPA 805)

  • Highly Protected Risk Inspection/Criteria

  • Life Safety/Building & Fire Code Evaluations

  • Insurance Services/Negotiation

  • Due Diligence Support

  • Fire Modeling

  • Plant Modifications

  • Fire Suppression/Sprinkler Systems

  • Fire Detection/Alarm Systems

  • Fire Barrier Systems

  • Programmatic Modifications

  • Audits

  • Pre-planning

  • Program/Procedural Development

  • Staff Augmentation

  • Fire Brigade Consulting and Training

  • Emergency Response Plan Development

  • Homeland Security Planning

  • Fire Department Training

  • Utility Staff Training

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